I actually began thinking about
my concentration during the summer, especially on my trip to Utah to visit most of my family. May I say, after really thinking about my concentration for the past few days I have realized that the idea I favored most was inspired by the relations I saw on the trip with my family. At the time I just came up with
"Roots" and brainstormed all the ways it can be portrayed, but recently I have focused on the
similarity between roots and family. So I was told to write questions and for the past two days I have written questions and now I just need to try and develop them into a solid idea.
Basically I'm using this post to organize my thoughts, which I know, isn't very interesting to anyone.
So I will try and sum it up best I can, I know my ideas tend to conflict and contradict each other, so this will probably be a very scratchy idea of my final concentration.
The reliance people have on their families as plants do to their roots. Roots give strength, nutrition, and other means to grow and survive, just as families can. Of course there are ways families can destroy one, but I think that means someone's roots then have the initiative to spread and seek out new sources of compassion to give themselves reason to thrive.
Actually I don't know if I want to make families the roots or the roots of families.
Actually I don't know exactly how to connect all my ideas. I think I need to clear out some ideas and focus on just a few.
How do families supply the same strength to someone as roots do to plants?
Where do our roots go to?
Why do some people embrace their family/ancestor roots?
Do severed roots affect one's ability to live?
How are families developed because of their roots?
How do family roots change people?
Why do some people sever those roots?
Do roots hold a connection to the earth as family does to love?
How do families keep us stabilized like roots?
How do families keep people rooted?
Where do roots begin?
Are someone's roots left after their death?
Do people seek out distinction in their roots?
Can roots destroy as well as create?
How are families connected and disconnected?
Can roots be uprooted?
I need to think about it all some more, but this is my general idea that I have been rolling around for a few months, and can't rid of it with any of my other ideas.