Sunday, October 18, 2009


So last winter my family and I went to a play at Portland Center Stage called R. Buckminster Fuller: The HISTORY (and MYSTERY) of the Universe, and I LOVED IT. It wasn't necessarily a play, more like a one man show and he just went into all this stuff about this dude. Just as a child he was so interesting and just everything he thought about blows me away, so I chose a poem that he wrote...

Cosmic Plurality

by R. Buckminster Fuller

Environment to each must be

All there is, that isn't me.

Universe in turn must be

All that isn't me AND ME.

Since I only see inside of me

What brain imagines outside me,

It seems to be you may be me.

If that is so, there's only we.

Me and we, too

Which love makes three,





  1. Wow, this guy is a thinker. I like the line, What brain imagines outside me. What visuals do you get when you see that?

  2. that hurts my brain! :) confusinggggg! but good.
